Energy Consumption Trends for China and the US

STA/ISS 313 - Spring 2024 - Project 1

Team RGB

Electricity Production



The title of this graph is US v China Renewable Energy Production. The Y axis is % Renewable Energy Share and the X axis is Year. The graph displays three lines representing the share of renewable energy production for the US, China and entire World for the years "1985" through "2021". China and worldwide renewable share has always been greater than the US.However, the lines display similar trends -- China and worldwide renewable share gradually declined from about "20"% in "1985" to between "15" and "17.5"% from "2000" to "2005". Then, both China and worldwide renewable share have grown rapidly from about "20"% in "2010" to just under "30"% in "2021". Similarly, the US renewable share declined gradually between "1985" and "2005", from about "12.5"% to about "7.5"%, and also risen rapidly since, reaching over "20"% in "2020".

Figure 1: US/China renewable energy production

Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuel Consumption Around the World

The title of this graph is Oil Consumption Per Capita Around the World. It displays a map of the world shaded in by million barrels of oil consumption. North America and Saudi Arabia have the most oil consumption per capita at around "10" barrels, whereas most of Asia and South America has around "5"  barrels of oil consumption per capita. There is not a lot of data in the African Continent to make an evaluation.

Oil Consumption Post-COP